How many client and server connections are available on the ProLinx DFNT products and what service port do they use?

Each ProLinx DFNT module will support at least one client connection, and as many as 5 simultaneous server connections.

With one client connection, the module will open a socket to a server (slave) device and will obtain data from it based on the configuration done in the ProLinx DFNT client 0 commands section. In this section you can define up to 100 client commands. Each command can go out to a unique IP address, or if the data in the server is not continuous, then you will have to define multiple commands for each server. As the module goes through the command list, it will look to see if the IP address of the server device is the same as the last command or new. If the address is the same, the DFNT module will ask for the data on an already open socket. If the IP address is new, then the module will close the socket that it was previously communicating on, and open a new connection to the new IP address of the server device.

The module as a client will communicate with servers on service port 44818 (AF12 HEX). The client will open a service port number greater than 1025, and this number will change for every new open connection.

As an EtherNet I/P server, the DFNT module will support up to 5 server connections. This allows up to 5 EtherNet I/P clients to initiate messages to the DFNT module on service port 44818 (AF12 HEX). This is the service port number that all EtherNet I/P messages must go to. If your client does not try to connect to a server at service port 44818, then it is not communicating on EtherNet I/P.

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Article ID: 123
Created On: Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 10:59 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Authored by: Technical Support

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