Q: Where do I get the MVI69E and MVI69L Add On Instructions?

A: The MVI69E and MVI69L modules do not have generic AOI. Instead, after making your configuration with Prosoft Configuration Builder, right click on the name of the module in the tree on the left side of the main menu, and directly above the option to download the configuration should be the option to export the AOI. After exported, you may import the AOI as a rung as you would with our other modules.

Q: Do I have to export and re-import the AOI every time I want to make a change to the configuration?

A: No, only if you are changing the module name in the Module section of Prosoft Configuration Builder, for any other changes you may simply use the Download from PC to Device option as you would with many of our other modules.

Q: Whenever I attempt to download to the module, I get an error, what am I doing wrong?

A: Please make sure that you're CIP path is aimed at the processor and NOT at the module, the configuration file for these modules are stored within the compact logix memory, not the modules. Downloading in this fashion will NOT reboot the processor, but it will reboot the module (as this forces it to load the new configuration from the Compact Logix processor). If you have a valid CIP path, the path should end in S:0 (indicating you are pointing at slot 0, the processor).

Q: I'm sure my CIP path is correct, but its still telling me there is a module name mismatch?

A: If you've changed the module name in PCB since you initially exporting the AOI, you can not download a change in the normal manner. Either return the module name in PCB to the initial one, or, if you need to use the new name, you must re-export (from PCB) and re-import (to the compact logix) the AOI file. When doing this, please perform the import off line, then download the updated ACD to the processor. Further, it is highly recommended that you either delete the old AOI and all its related components prior to importing the new one, or make absolutely certain to set all tags, AOI, and UDTs to "Overwrite" from "Use Existing", on the import configuration screen.
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Article ID: 493
Created On: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 3:36 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 10:31 PM
Authored by: Technical Support

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