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Is it possible to configure an AFC flow computer solutions to use the ISO 6976 computation standard? |
Article Number: 392 | Rating: 5/5 from 1 votes | Last Updated: Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 4:43 PM |
The short answer is, "No, it cannot." The reason it cannot is this: ISO 6976 is the ISO standard for calculating compressibilities and energy content of natural gases. It is similar to the older (pre-1992) edition of AGA 8 (compressibilities) and the current AGA 5 (energy content; but the AFC calculates energy using Appendix C.3 of AGA 8, and not AGA 5). ISO 6976 is specifically and explicitly designed to "enable tractable calculations to be made without necessitating machine computation", in other words, using the operator's hand calculator. Consequently, though the calculations are ostensibly simpler than those of AGA 8, ISO 6976 is less general and less flexible than AGA 8 (for example, only 4 reference temperatures are allowed for calculation of energy content -- 0°C, 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C -- and only 3 of those are allowed for calculation of compressibility -- omitting 25°C -- and an appendix labeled "informative", i.e. not part of the official Standard, adds a 5th temperature base, 60°F, but only for energy calculation). Here is a detailed evaluation of ISO 6976: 1. Energy (heating value, calorific content): |
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